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[IFA 2014] Samsung Brings its Vision for the ‘Home of the Future’ to IFA 2014
September 5, 2014
The President and CEO of Samsung Electronics Boo-Keun Yoon today delivered the opening keynote speech at IFA 2014, calling on the consumer electronics industry to agree on open industry standards so that the ‘Home of the Future’ can meet the demands of people and adapt to their unique needs and lifestyles. “The home of the future is not about the technology, nor is it about being smart and connected,” Mr. Yoon said. “It’s about human-based innovation. It’s about technology that isn’t overwhelming and works discretely behind the scenes to adjust to consumers’ needs at the right time.”
[Samsung Tomorrow Global blog posting]
삼성전자 윤부근 대표 IFA 2014 기조연설 "퓨처 홈", 인간 '배려'에 초점 맞춘다"
"미래의 가정은 의미 있는 정보를 보여 주고(Show Me Home), 당신을 이해하고(Know Me Home), 스스로 최적의 제안을 제시하고 실행하는(Tell Me Home), 맞춤형 홈(Adaptive Home)이 돼야 합니다" 삼성전자 CE부문장 윤부근 대표이사는 5일(현지시간) 독일 국제가전박람회(IFA)에서 '인간을 배려하는 "퓨처 홈"의 구현(Bringing your future home)'이라는 주제로 기조 연설에 나섰다. 이 날 행사에는 업계 관계자와 IFA 관람객 등 1,000여명이 참석해 "퓨처 홈"에 대한 뜨거운 관심을 나타냈다.