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Samsung Electronics CEO BK Yoon Shares Innovation Strategy

February 9, 2015

The President and CEO of Samsung Electronics, BK Yoon, delivered a speech at the Government Summit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on Feb 9, outlining Samsung Electronics’ innovative strategies and its vision for the future. The 2015 Government Summit was the third annual session hosted by the Prime Minister and Vice-President of the UAE, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum. Three thousand of the world’s foremost leaders were in attendance at this year’s Summit, gathering in the public sector to share and discuss the best practices from around the world. As a guest speaker at the Summit, Mr. Yoon was invited not only to inspire innovation in each participating government, but also to share innovative experiences in smartphones, LED TV, smart refrigerators, and other consumer electronics and appliances. Samsung is planning on expanding its reach into the Arab market with a population of 370 million, and to drive more business in Middle Eastern regions through B2B projects and IoT businesses


삼성전자, 중동 두바이 혁신 스토리 전파

삼성전자의 윤부근 대표가 두바이에서 열린 ‘거버먼트 서밋’ 연단서 혁신을 주제로 연설하였습니다. UAE 총리 겸 두바이 통치자 셰이크 무함마드 초청으로 참여하였고 아랍지역 정부관계자와 오피니언 리더 등 3,000여명 참석하였습니다. 윤부근 대표는 이번 서밋에서 스마트폰, LED TV, 셰프컬렉션 냉장고 등 혁신경험을 공유 하였습니다. 삼성전자는 이번 행사를 계기로 3억 7,000만 인구의 아랍 시장을 무대로 보폭을 넓히고 중동지역 B2B 사업 상화 및 사물 인터넷 (IoT)사업을 적극 전개해나갈 계획입니다.


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