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Tips on Creating Your Own Marinade

July 28, 2015

Summer is the season for the fine art of barbecue. The best grill master knows that preparing your meats before a big cookout is the key to satisfied dinner guests. Whether you are firing up the grill to cook meat, poultry or fish/seafood, it’s important to carefully consider the marinade you prepare ahead of time. A good marinade will both tenderize the meat and give it a great flavor. So while you are considering the cut of meat and the type of fire (charcoal? gas?), you should also carefully consider the ingredients in your marinade.

However, it’s important to remember that meat may not need a marinade at all. If you’ve decided to spend money on the finest cut of beef with perfect marbling, then you don’t need to infuse it with other flavors. Just a little salt and pepper will provide all the seasoning that is needed. However, tougher cuts of steak like flank, sirloin or skirt will benefit from soaking in a marinade before cooking.

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