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Samsung to Showcase Three Creative Lab Projects for the First Time, at CES 2016

December 30, 2015

Samsung Electronics announced that it will be demonstrating three Creative Lab (C-Lab) projects for the first time, at CES 2016. C-Lab is one of Samsung’s innovation programs, which helps its employees to nurture their own creative business ideas. The three projects are WELT – a healthcare belt that helps people manage their waist size by measuring their daily habits and behaviors, rink – a hand-motion controller for mobile VR devices, and TipTalk – a remarkable new user experience (UX) that enables users to hear sounds, transmitted through their own body.

These C-Lab projects will be showcased at Eureka Park, the flagship destination for startups at CES, in Hall G, Level One of the Sands Expo, from January 6 to January 9, 2016. As the projects are still in the development process, they are being showcased to assess their market potential and to gather hands-on feedback from CES attendees, enabling further improvements to be made.

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