Samsung lanceert Galaxy S10 5G in Europa vanaf juni

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Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. heeft vandaag de lancering van de Galaxy S10 5G aangekondigd in Frankrijk, Duitsland, Italië, Spanje, Zwitserland en het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Samen met gerenommeerde partners uit de regio, biedt de nieuwe Galaxy S10 5G de Europese consument een geavanceerde netwerkervaring en de krachtigste functies die beschikbaar zijn op een Galaxy S toestel.


Partnering initially with mobile network operators including Deutsche Telekom, EE, Orange, Sunrise, Swisscom, TIM, Telefonica and Vodafone, the Galaxy S10 5G will go on sale beginning from June, with specific dates varying according to local market availability.


Mark Notton, Director, Mobile Product Portfolio & Strategy, Samsung Electronics, commented: “The Galaxy S10 5G further elevates the Galaxy S10 experience: with speeds up to 20 times faster than 4G; a larger 6.7-inch Dynamic AMOLED display; six cameras in total including a 3D Depth Camera; and the biggest-ever battery available on any Galaxy smartphone, the Galaxy S10 5G is the first true 5G smartphone, championing a super-smooth and near-instantaneous mobile experience that delivers on the promise of next-generation connectivity.”


Next-generation speeds

The Galaxy S10 5G builds upon Samsung’s more than 35 years of leadership in the mobile industry, from chipsets to network infrastructure and devices. Having played a key role in moving the industry towards 3G and 4G, Samsung is once again leading the charge with 5G. This new device offers smooth transitions across networks to ensure an uninterrupted mobile experience while streaming video, playing games, making video calls and more. Customers can download an entire series’ worth of HD television in mere minutes; enjoy console-style, graphics-rich games without a Wi-Fi connection through seamless cloud gaming; and break through the congestion of high-traffic networks courtesy of added bandwidth.


Additionally, 5G will unite more than 1 million devices per square kilometre transforming how consumers live, communicate and work by connecting not only smartphones but also vehicles, factories, offices and cities as well.


 Enhanced display

Differentiating the Galaxy S10 5G from the rest of the Galaxy S10 range, is an array of enhanced features. The device’s 6.7-inch Dynamic AMOLED display is the Galaxy S Series’ largest smartphone display ever so customers can fully immerse themselves in dazzling HDR10+ content to benefit from an incredible mobile viewing experience.


ProGrade Hexa Camera

The Galaxy S10 5G also features a powerful six lens camera, including Samsung’s next-generation 3D Depth Camera, which collects 3D information accurately by the length of time taken for a light signal to bounce off a photograph’s subject. This enables customers to benefit from cinema-quality bokeh effect in their video with Live focus video. The 3D Depth Camera also offers Quick Measure functionality, allowing customers to instantly measure the distance, area or volume of an object or space.


Best-ever battery

The Galaxy S10 5G’s powerful feature set is backed up by a powerful battery – at 4,500mAh, the device features Samsung’s largest battery ever, meaning you can connect, stream and game without needing to charge your phone. For those times where power may be low, the Galaxy S10 5G uses Super- Fast charging at 25W.


For more information on the Galaxy S10 5G, visit:

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