“The Wall” van Samsung wint de felbegeerde Display Industry Award

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Samsung Electronics Co, Ltd. heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat het bedrijf de Display of the Year award van de Society for Information Display (SID) heeft ontvangen voor zijn innovatieve modulaire MicroLED display, The Wall. Naast een revolutionaire kijkervaring, biedt The Wall diepzwarte beelden, realistische kleuren en ongeëvenaarde helderheid


“We are honored to be recognized with such a prestigious industry award,” said Seog-gi Kim, Executive Vice President of Visual Display Business at Samsung Electronics. “We are very proud of the technological advancement and innovation embodied by The Wall and see this display really pushing the entire industry forward.”


The Wall is a large-format modular display featuring MicroLED technology. As the newest display technology to be commercialized in over a decade, MicroLED possesses inherent color qualities that produce vibrant-yet-natural colors for an awe-inspiring visual experience with significant advantages over traditional displays.


The Wall’s slim, bezel-less infinity design and modular build allow the display to blend subtly into its surroundings and its customizable décor frame creates a sleek and sophisticated look from every angle to fit any luxury living or commercial space.


Presented by the Society for Information Display, the 2019 Display Industry Awards (DIAs) recognize innovative display products, components, and applications that hold the most promise for shaping the future of the global display industry. The DIAs are awarded each year in three categories: Display of the Year, Display Application of the Year, and Display Component of the Year.


“We are delighted to award Samsung Electronics the Display of the Year Award for its modular MicroLED Display, The Wall” said Wei Chen, SID’s Display Industry Awards Committee Chairman. “The Display Industry Awards are SID’s highest honor, presented to recognize the best display products or applications introduced to the market during the previous calendar year. On behalf of SID, we would like to commend Samsung’s ongoing commitment to innovation and to helping shape the future of display performance and solutions.”


The 2019 DIAs will be presented to Stephen Choi, Samsung’s Vice President and Head of the North American Display Office, at the Symposium Luncheon on Wednesday, May 15 during Display Week 2019: The SID Annual International Symposium, Seminar and Exhibition in San Jose, California.


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Producten > TV & Audio


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  • The-Wall-SID-Display-of-the-year_1.jpg

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