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Three Culinary Masters Modernize a Breakfast Classic with Samsung’s Chef Collection Kitchen Appliances: Part 3

June 7, 2015

In this three-part video series, three members of Samsung’s Club des Chefs share their take on an everyday dish, the omelet. Club des Chefs is a team of Michelin-starred culinary visionaries from around the globe who contribute insights and expertise to help Samsung revolutionize kitchen appliances. This series features Club des Chefs founding members, chefs Christopher Kostow and Michel Troisgros, and world-renowned chef Daniel Boulud. Each chef will update a classic dish and show how these masterful interpretations are easy to recreate using the Chef Collection series of kitchen appliances from Samsung. In episode one, chef Christopher Kostow created his steamed omelet. Episode two featured chef Daniel Boulud’s omelet farcie, and in episode three, chef Michel Troisgros shares his parmesan soufflé omelet recipe. Tune in to each episode to see how the Chef Collection Series of kitchen appliances makes culinary excellence possible for everyone.

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