Samsung teams up with Tough Mudder
Earlier this summer Samsung announced its partnership with Tough Mudder, the UK’s fastest growing endurance event series, to deliver exclusive content and training tips across Samsung devices.
At the events, up and down the country, Samsung gave competitors the chance to preview the course in virtual reality with their Gear VR headsets, as well as getting ‘hands on’ with their smart watches, Gear Fit2 and Gear S3.
Photo accredited to Jack Terry
Samsung also bought along an extra obstacle for competitors to try out and capture a 360 image whilst hanging in the air. This image was captured on a Gear 360 camera and sent straight to the competitor’s inbox, for them to enjoy and share.
Additionally, Samsung was the exclusive sponsor of the finisher Legionnaire obstacle, ‘Kong’ – 30ft high gorilla swinging rings, which saw competitors take on the challenge and capture their attempt in 360.
This weekend, as the sun shone, Alice Liveing, Olivia Cox and Deni Kirkova took on the Tough Mudder challenge on behalf of Samsung at London South with Legionnaire Born Barikor.
Photo accredited to Jack Terry
Read Deni and Olivia’s experience of the day here.
For more information about the partnership, visit: and follow the live action via #DoWhatYouCant
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