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Going Green While Staying Home


As everyone outside of essential workers, continues to do everything from home, Samsung employees are sharing how they’re exploring greener ways of living.

#1 Saving Energy

Samsung Employees Go Even Greener from Home

“A week ago, I purchased the Samsung Smart Things motion sensors and smart bulbs to conserve energy since I’m working from home now,” said Desiré Willis, based in South Carolina. “I leveraged the automation functionality to turn the lights on and off in my bathrooms, kitchen and office based on motion detection.”

#2 Growing their own food!

Samsung Employees Go Even Greener from Home

With warmer weather around the corner, Julie Montrose, based in New Jersey, and her family decided to start growing their own vegetable garden!

Samsung Employees Go Even Greener from Home

Phillip Navarre, in Tennessee, had the same idea and is growing his batch of vegetables in an outdoor mobile garden.

# 3 Beekeeping in their backyard!

Samsung Employees Go Even Greener from Home

Brendan Groneck, based in Indiana, shared that he started bee keeping and has two hives already up and running!

# 4 Making their coffee from home

Samsung Employees Go Even Greener from Home

“I can’t say I don’t miss my Starbucks, but using my reusable 2020 NRM tumbler keeps me caffeinated and thinking green,” shared Jennifer Pointer, also in Indiana. 

#5 Upping their recycling game

Samsung Employees Go Even Greener from Home

Karyn Schaefer, based in Michigan, upgraded her recycling bin to better separate the items that have been generated from eating at home more. Not only is she saving money by not eating out, but she’s responsibly recycling the packaging waste.

#6 Reusing rain water run off

Samsung Employees Go Even Greener from Home

Looking for a way to save on water consumption? Francisco Bermudez, in Illinois, is saving rain water runoff to water his garden.


Happy Earth Month from all of us at Samsung!


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