Samsung joins Fisher House Foundation to Open Second Fisher House in Bay Area

Photo Credit: Ashley Estill, Photo Courtesy of Fisher House Foundation; Representatives of Fisher House Foundation and the Bay Area veterans community dedicate the second Fisher House in Palo Alto, CA on Feb. 16, 2019. Samsung Electronics America was a principal donor in the construction of the house.
On February 16, Samsung Electronics America was proud to celebrate with Fisher House Foundation and community members during the dedication of the newest Fisher House in Palo Alto, CA.
Congresswoman Anna Eshoo (D-CA 18th District), Dave Coker, President of Fisher House Foundation, and Thomas J. Fitzgerald III, Director of the VA Palo Alto Health Care System attended the ribbon cutting, among others.
The home is the second Fisher House in the Bay Area and will provide lodging for an additional 20 families of veterans and military at no cost, allowing them to be close to their loved ones undergoing treatment at VA Palo Alto Health Care System, a Level One Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center that provides intensive specialized and comprehensive rehabilitation care for military and veterans.
Since 2015, Samsung’s support of Fisher House Foundation has included corporate funding for product donations and four home builds of Fisher Houses, including the Palo Alto, CA and Charleston, SC houses benefiting military, veterans and their families.
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