Communities (COVID-19)
75 Schools Awarded in Samsung’s $2 Million National STEM Competition

Samsung Electronics America, Inc. today announced the 75 Semi-Finalists in the 11th annual $2 million* Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Contest, a nationwide education competition that challenges 6-12th grade students and their teachers to creatively use STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) skills to address a community challenge. The competition fosters critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills among thousands of students across the country as they solve current issues of national importance in their local communities.
Public school teachers nationwide submitted proposals outlining a local challenge, as well as how students will use STEM to address the problem, the solution idea they will build, and the potential impact on the community. Semi-Finalists have been recognized for their creative and strategic proposals to solve current problems such as food insecurity, human trafficking and water quality. Each Semi-Finalist school – spanning rural and urban areas – will receive $15,000 to be redeemed on as well as a Samsung Galaxy Note20 to execute their project this school year, whether they are engaging in a virtual, in-person or hybrid teaching environment.