Thriving Together

As Samsung celebrates its 40th anniversary in the United States, we spent much of our year planning ahead to our “Global Month of Giving,” held each year in October, when we can focus on the truly impactful relationships we’ve developed here.
To us at Samsung, “thriving together” is an expression of a core company value: that we are most successful when our partners and communities also grow and succeed. It’s rooted in our history; we grew up after the Korean War, and the economic growth in Korea was mirrored by the growth of Samsung Electronics. The power and potential of these shared benefits is why we feel such a strong responsibility to give back, in our corporate citizenship programs and everywhere we do business.
It’s also why, on the occasion of our 40th anniversary in the U.S., we are also excited to celebrate the success of our partners. For example, the 18,000-plus schools who have participated in our Samsung Solve for Tomorrow program are both demonstrating leadership in STEM education, and solving problems in their communities. In fact, we’ve found that by giving middle and high-school students the opportunity to use robotics, IoT, data science or engineering to improve the lives of their families or friends, we can ignite their passion for STEM and commitment to pursuing careers in the field.