4K UHD Video with NX1 looks something like this

on September 23, 2014
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It is getting easier and easier for people to record 4K UHD Video these days, and Samsung takes partial responsibility for that. Literally, if you have a Smartphone, such as Galaxy S5, recording a UHD quality video only requires just a few seconds with no need for external equipment.


Samsung recently announced the NX1 and it also supports 4K UHD video recording with no need for external equipment, thanks to the NX1’s DRIMe V Image Processor. The video below is recorded in 4K UHD with the NX1. If you have a display solution that supports 4K UHD, make sure you select the option for 2160p (4K) on the video player to get an idea what kind of detail in can reproduce.



From daylight to night sky, blue ocean to deep forest, and chameleons to monkeys, the amount of detail we can see is quite impressive. Feel free to watch it a couple times to soak up all the details.  


Captured Image from the NX1 4K video

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