8 Tips for Professional Photography

on August 31, 2013
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We know a great photo when we see one – the image is so vivid, the subject is so natural… it all adds up to one great shot. Although there is no magic formula to getting that best shot, we at Samsung Tomorrow got some semi-professional advice from a group of 8 David Baileys, who took part in Samsung’s David Bailey Masterclasses to become like the renowned British photographer, David Bailey, whose work has been featured in Vogue. Find out all the tips and the amazing capabilities of Samsung NX cameras.



1. Believe in Your Instincts


Misty Sunrise by David Bailey, Project Engineer


What you shoot is about yourself, so follow your heart. Take photos of what you like; what you enjoy doing, your interests, and what you are curious about. Anything that can describe you is perfect. There is no right answer. Don’t worry about what others think of you. Just go your own way. You can’t be wrong.



2. Always Have Your Camera With You


2. Always Have Your Camera With You


A great picture can come when you least expect it to. By responding quickly, an excellent shot can be taken. So always have your NX camera with you. You will never get that perfect shot if you don’t have your camera by your side.


You will feel as if every moment is an opportunity by using the Smart Auto 2.0 feature, which chooses the best setting for you automatically.



3. Tell Stories


Mr Snuggles By David Bailey, Illustrator


A picture not only explains the present situation of the subject, but it can also convey the subject’s future emotion, mood, narrative, ideas, and messages, which are all essential features of storytelling. So shoot an image that tells the viewers what may happen next, making them want to know more.



4. Wait for It to Happen


Golden Sunset by David Bailey, Communications Manager


You’ve probably heard the saying, “good things come to those who wait.” This also goes for photography. Whether you are waiting for the sun to rise along the shore, the biggest and most beautiful firework to explode, or your child to receive his or her graduation certificate from the school principal on the stage, an okay picture can become an amazing one if you have patience and wait for the perfect shot to come along.



5. Shoot after ‘Cheese’


5. Shoot after ‘Cheese’


Most people believe that the subjects in a group picture will look their best when they are saying ‘cheese.’ However, shooting before and after the subjects think you have taken the shot will give you a picture with a more natural image. So shoot when your friends think you are fiddling with the camera settings, and you just might be surprised at what comes out.



6. Don’t forget the light


Kemptown Sunrise by David Bailey, Post graduate student


Do you consider the brightness of the background when you take pictures? In fact, natural light is one of the most important elements in photography. Look at your pictures again and see how the light and shade creates beautiful forms. In fact, many people think that shooting directly to the sun is the worst photography. However, try taking photos experimenting with lens flares, shadows, and silhouettes. You will be able to capture some of the most beautiful scenes. Another tip is to use features like the developed ISOS, which allows you to take pictures with minimal light.



7. Play with Speed


7. Play with Speed


Your pictures can come to life with movement so take pictures while you are moving. With a moving subject, try panning your camera. Although the background will be blurred, the subject will end up being relatively sharp, as it will be focused. This will definitely provide the viewers a feeling of movement.



8. And last but not least….have fun!


The most important and easiest way to enjoy photography is to share your photos with the people who you’re closest to –  family, relatives, and friends.  With features like built-in-WiFi, surely, this won’t be too hard, will it?



*Reference: http://www.samsung.com/uk/discover/camera/a-guide-to-shooting-like-bailey/

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