A Curved Display for Better Productivity

on May 12, 2015
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There are plenty of ways that people get distracted at the office. Workers are often faced with a torrent of daily email, fellow co-workers talking loudly and ringing phones. Increasingly, more and more offices are adopting the open concept, which, while designed to increase teamwork, does provide more opportunity for visual distractions. Office workers in Britain check their email every 22 minutes on average. Office workers are more connected than ever and the work environment are often not optimized for productivity and efficiency.


A recent report commissioned by Samsung UK and the University of Leeds put a dollar figure on those distractions. The cost is estimated at £250 pounds each year in the United Kingdom. Remarkably, the study found that the average worker is unproductive for 70 days of the year, with those surveyed responding that they complete about 3.6 days worth of work per week. However, the study also found that the vast majority of workers, about 90%, feel happier when they feel they have been productive.


Solutions to help workers be more efficient, and therefore more productive and happy, are required and the study found that choosing the right computer monitor can make a big difference. Adults in Britain spend an average of nine hours a day looking at a screen, which is about 10,000 days over the course of an 80-year lifespan.


Samsung’s curved displays are designed to reduce strain on the head, neck and especially the eyes of the user. Using multiple desktop screens on one computer is said to help with productivity, and the study found that about 38% of respondents use two monitors.


However, having one larger display can have obvious benefits for the user as well. Larger screens can help users to complete data-intensive tasks more quickly and with fewer errors. Users can have fewer windows open to keep information more organized. The main issue with large displays is that because the user views different parts of the screen from different angles, optical performance suffers. Modern displays are made to be viewed at right angles to the plane of the screen. A larger display means greater distortions in color and text towards the edges.




Therefore, the report explains, curved displays are an ideal solution for office workers. In addition to the user not needing to move his or her eyes and head as much as with a flat screen, a curved display also makes for a more immersive and more private experience. The study also found that when workers have more privacy, they feel less stress on the job. The proper technology configuration, like ensuring that the monitor is position at the right height as it relates to its user, is also vital to efficiency and user comfort.


In addition, about 61.5% of study participants responded that aesthetically pleasing technology in the workplace is important, but only 38.5% thought that their company-issued work equipment looked stylish. IT companies are increasingly discovering that an attractive looking workplace will have a positive impact on workers’ self-esteem and general wellbeing.




Samsung’s line of curved displays were made with the aesthetic of both the front and the back in mind. Curved displays, being on the cutting edge of technology, have a sleek look that undoubtedly makes users feel as if they are working on a leading edge piece of office equipment.


Companies that equip their workers with curved displays may very well find that it is an investment in productivity, efficiency and the wellbeing of employees.


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