A Little Artist Meets GALAXY Camera

on February 4, 2013
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Samsung’s Galaxy Camera isn’t new, but it does have a new Facebook campaign running! The campaign, entitled “A Little Artist Meets GALAXY Camera,” aims to inspire a new generation of ‘Little Artists,’ between 5 to 10 years old. The goals include harnessing the imaginations of children who are talented in art and helping them to discover their photography skills and the fun of taking pictures.


A Little Artist Meets GALAXY Camera


The First ‘Little Artist’, Aelita Andre


This Camera Facebook Campaign began in September 2012 with the inspiration Samsung received from Aelita Andre, a five-year-old Australian famous artistic genius.


Aelita Andre

What made Aelita so unique from other artists was her energetic and frantic painting style. When she painted, she passionately mixed colors and textures to create seemingly disorganized scenes instead of using precise strokes. Her pictures seemed to feature both a childlike expression and a truly creative and particular technique.


Aelita Andre


Aelita shot an array of impressive images by using her GALAXY Camera, transferring her artistic talents to the medium of photography. Learning both how to use the camera as well as how to take a good picture, she created a series of videos and galleries portraying her progress.


Aelita Andre


Impressed by her drawings and photos, Samsung nominated Aelita as the first ‘Little Artist.’ This prompted the beginning of the search for the next ‘Little Artist.’


The Next ‘Little Artist’ Campaign


To discover the next ‘Little Artist,’ children from around the world submitted a short essay, photograph, or a piece of art and explained why they should be the next ‘Little Artist.’ After scrutinizing thousands of entries, five children with exceptional talent were chosen to show how the Camera could push creative boundaries.


The next little artists


These five lucky little artists were Jane from Korea, Greta from Italy, Samuel from USA, Marcus from Singapore and Anna from UK. They were flown to Singapore on an exclusive Photo Tour. For three days, they travelled around Singapore, according to the route shown on the map below.


A Little Artist Meets GALAXY Camera campaign tour map


They were presented with a Samsung Camera each and were given three missions, each one challenging them to use three special camera features, including 21x Zoom, Landscape, and Rich Tone. Let’s see how well the five children took the photos by using each three features.


Mission 1: 21xZoom Feature Images












Mission 2: Landscape Feature Images












Mission 3: Rich Tone Feature Images












All the pictures are so beautiful. Whose picture did you like the most? In fact, a winner was chosen in each of the three categories and one person became the overall winner and the next ‘Little Artist’. Who do you think won the crown?



Anna Bailey, a 10 year old girl, from UK was designated the Next ‘Little Artist.’


anna-new little artist


As the grand prize winner, Anna will be flown to South Korea, where her winning photos from ‘A Little Artist’ will be displayed in the Finale Exhibition at Samsung D’light. She will also have a special one to one ‘Photo Art’ workshop with a Korean photographer, Seongpil Park.


Those who want to see the pictures the five children took in Singapore can visit the exhibition. The exhibition is held in Samsung D’light, Korea, from February 1st to the 15th. They can have hands on experience on the Galaxy Camera, using various features, and participate in events such as sending postcards that have the pictures five children took to their friends and families.


exhibition hall


If you want to see the winning images of Anna Bailey’s and the other pictures the five children took, please visit https://www.facebook.com/samsungcamera/app_425741620817545.


-written by Gsoo

-written by JS

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