Episode of the Developers: NX300
Not so long ago, we met with the design team of the NX300 digital camera, and shared the origins of the design of NX300 with our audience. Readers showed a lot of interest in this piece, so we thought it might make sense to get the development team’s side of the story.
When starting any new project at Samsung, it is always extremely important for our users to be able to see a concrete difference from the previous model. Developers of the NX300 have taken the VOC (voice of customer) from the NX200 into consideration and tried their best to address the issues.
Upon meeting up with the developers the very first thing they wanted to talk about was the Burst Mode. The developers let us know that Burst Mode has improved astonishingly with the NX300. What’s the secret? The new image processing engine and sensor, and the hybrid AF of NX300 has silenced the critics
Now that that was out of the way, the developers were eager to talk about the plenty of other adjustments/improvements made on the NX300. For example, the shutter lag has been shortened which enables the NX300 to generate an image that almost perfectly mimics the image in the real world. Also the tilt display allows the users to take shots of their subjects at any angle, from low to high with ease. These improvements have been getting great reactions from all over the world.
We’d now like to turn it over to the rest of the development team so they can share with you some of their professional (and personal!) challenges during the development process.
Enhancing the Camera with New Technologies
Just like many other new Samsung Electronics products, NX300 uses plenty of new technologies. For example, NX300’s DSP (Digital Signal Processor) was a new introduction and the software designed and programmed for it was an entirely new paradigm.
Surviving the Pressure: How developers cope
Switching gears, we weanted to get some opinions on the kinds of pressures that the team faces– from consumers, bosses, and others.
Challenges to be the best
Striving for perfection is a tough pursuit, but the development team gave it their all to ensure the highest quality camera as the finished product.
Behind the Scenes
There’s work, and then there’s play. But for many developers, work runs overtime. We chatted with some to find out how they balance their lives.
Closing Words
“We believe that NX300 is the best camera out there, so we want our customers to take advantage of it. We truly believe that, not because we made it, but it is the best in terms of value as well! The functions of the camera are perfectly developed, we know that for sure!”
“We know that we see people carrying around Samsung Galaxy smartphones because they are the best. We want people to think of our NX cameras like Galaxy smartphones, the best camera out there! We will do our best and work hard until this happens!”
*All functionality features, specifications and other product information provided in this document including, but not limited to, the benefits, design, pricing, components, performance, availability, and capabilities of the product are subject to change without notice or obligation.
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