Here is a video that highlights the HDR feature of Galaxy S5

on July 29, 2014
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Trieste is a city in northeastern Italy. From Piazza Unità d’Italia to Trieste Cathedral, the city is filled with beautiful sights and monuments; which makes it a remarkable must-see place. If you haven’t been there or heard of Trieste yet, here is what we are talking about.


This is a Short film of Trieste, Italy featuring HDR Video and FHD 1080p footage shot entirely on the Samsung GALAXY S5.



The beautiful architectures/sceneries and calming music make the video much more intriguing, but let’s not forget to give some credit to the Samsung Galaxy S5 (and the people who shot it) as well.


Scenery of Trieste


As the title of the video ‘Sunrise to Sunset ‘suggest, the real-time HDR (High Dynamic Range) of Galaxy S5 allows users to record videos even when there is a strong counter light or when the subject is shaded. (Feel free to check out our dedicated article on the camera of Galaxy S5.)


This video is shot on FHD 1080p, but the Galaxy S5 also has the ability to shoot videos in UHD, which we will talk about more very soon.


So stay tuned!

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