How would Robin Thicke use Galaxy Note 3 & Gear?

on December 5, 2013
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Three women cruising down a California road in a red convertible with the top down dancing along to Blurred Lines- one of the hottest songs of 2013- approach a stop light. Someone with a black leather jacket and a pair of aviator sunglasses pulls up next to them on a motorcycle. Next thing you know, they are in a music video.


Well, somewhere along the line, there are Galaxy Note 3 & Gear, and Robin Thicke.



Did you see what just happened? When one of the women takes out her Galaxy Note 3 and snaps a quick photo, Robin Thicke motions for the Galaxy Note 3, and jots down a message. Just like that, he casts talents for his music video without a single word spoken! Just an ordinary day of Robin Thicke.


This is just the first of three-part video series of Robin’s day of using Galaxy Note 3 and Galaxy Gear. He is going to show us how a Hollywood celebrity uses the Galaxy Note 3 and Galaxy Gear with style. Seize the moment and stay tuned for more.


Robin Thicke in a music video with the girls from the commercial

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