No Washing Left Behind, Thanks to the Samsung WW8500 AddWash

on September 3, 2015
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Samsung Electronics announced the launch of the Samsung WW8500 AddWash, a new washing machine that makes it easy to add a piece of forgotten laundry to the wash in mid-cycle.


We’ve all been there: We’ve just started the washing machine, only to discover that we forgot to put a child’s uniform into the wash for football practice tomorrow. Or we’ve just set the weekly wash to go, and then find one sock or a few towels lying on the bathroom floor.


According to the research conducted by Samsung, about 90% of consumers in Europe say that they wanted to put more clothes in the washing machine after a wash cycle had started. But with the front-loading washing machines so popular in Europe, it’s not the easiest thing to do; the door is opened only when the water level inside the drum is low enough, and most people are unsure how to go about it. Indeed, more than half of the consumers surveyed were concerned that opening the washer door might cause a water spill or even cause the washing machine to break down.


Samsung has come up with a unique and painless solution that tackles this annoying problem: The innovative Samsung WW8500 AddWash.


The Samsung AddWash has an extra door located on the upper part of the main door; that makes it possible to add any missed or urgent piece of clothing – and even extra detergent or fabric softener – at any point during the wash cycle. It’s just another example of Samsung’s innovation that makes people’s lives easier.


Adding laundry made super easy


“The new front-loader with the AddWash feature will make your laundry stress-free,” said BK Yoon, President and CEO at Samsung Electronics. “With its unique features, it is a perfect time-saving and convenient solution for busy families.”


In the new Samsung machine, all it takes is a push of the Pause button, and in a second the extra door opens, and it’s big enough to add a sweater or even a pair of jeans. Users can also put in hand-wash items or add extra amount of fabric softener at the start of the rinse cycle.


The sleekly designed AddWash door is also equipped with essential safety features such as a ‘child lock’, which prevents young children from accidentally opening the AddWash door.


A smart washing machine


The Samsung WW8500 AddWash comes with an array of smart functions, which work with both Android and iOS smartphones. That not only makes it easy to monitor the progress of the laundry program, but also offers the option to alert users on their smartphone just before the start of a new washing cycle, for example if they want to add a few delicate or hand-wash items towards the end of the wash cycle.


Samsung’s core technologies applied


The new AddWash model features Samsung’s many innovative technologies to deliver superior time saving and washing performance.


Samsung’s SuperSpeed feature makes it possible to complete a normal wash in less than an hour without compromising washing performance. The SuperSpeed cycle is enabled by the SpeedSpray technology, which shoots out jet sprays of water, so detergent gets rinsed quickly and cleans clothes faster. The water sprays then shower the laundry with clean water, which is drained away simultaneously.


The ecobubble™ technology pre-mixes detergent with air and water, and then fills every inch of the drum with bubbles that penetrate the fabric 40 times faster than the normal mix of water and soap. The ecobubble™ offers both gentler fabric care and outstanding wash results even in cold water, while delivering energy savings as well.


Samsung’s AddWash also has a Digital Inverter motor, which delivers superior energy efficiency, minimal noise and longer-lasting performance.


Samsung WW8500 AddWash gives consumers added flexibility and efficiency in their laundry routines. Samsung continues to bring new innovations to modern homes to make lives better and easier for everyone.


*All functionality features, specifications and other product information provided in this document including, but not limited to, the benefits, design, pricing, components, performance, availability, and capabilities of the product are subject to change without notice or obligation.

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