Premium packaging for our premium monitor: Samsung Series 9 Monitor

on June 19, 2012
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Complete with outstanding image quality and designed with elegance and moderation, Samsung’s Premium Smart Monitor was born of the utmost preparation and care.


We meet Senior Designer Yun-Hyung Lee, graphic designer at Samsung Electronics Visual Display.  Ms. Lee was in charge of the design of the Samsung Series 9 Monitor. She has some stories to share about the unique packaging created for this monitor.




“The product must stand out the most”


Q. Was there a special reason why you chose black for the container color?




When taking the product photo, we chose the background where the product most stands out. We tried all kinds of backgrounds, including bright, neutral and dark colors. But, Samsung Series 9 Monitor stood out most with a black background due to its metallic material and thin bezel. We also took the product photo from various angles ranging 360 degrees, and chose the one that is most attractive.  It’s a photo that looks at the monitor from the top down.



“We wanted to express a simple design”


Q. The package design appears to be especially worthy of the premium monitor. Where did you put the focus on? 




Simplicity was the most important point of this design. The material or size of the packaging is all regulated, so we paid much attention to the design of the box and contents. Along with figuring out how the product would stand out most, we thought about the impression that consumers would get from opening the box to uncover the monitor inside.  To make the monitor the main focus, we ended up putting the user manual and accessories like cables in a small separate box within the package.


Samsung Series 9 Monitor is a semi-expert monitor. People who want to buy such products tend to visit the stores armed and ready with as much information on the product as possible which they’ve obtained through various methods of research. So we minimized the information on the package of Samsung Series 9 Monitor and expressed a simple design, because expected consumers already have the information. Other products have a lot of function icons covering the packaging, but not much is mentioned on our box, which we’re proud of.


In terms of what the photo is supposed to express, we just used a simple photo, and excluded a lot of additional details or information.  We expect most buyers will want to look at the real monitor as opposed to a package photo.




Also, we placed a white cover on the monitor for the first time. Usually PE (polyethylene) bags are used, but we used high-quality fabric cover to appear clean – similar to those you find when buying luxury leather goods. This design is characteristic of the simple and clean look from the very first sight.



“We took into consideration the moment the consumers open the box”


Q. What are the special characteristics of the Samsung Series 9 Monitor unlike any other?




A general monitor box opens down the middle, but then the middle of the box has to be taped and hinders the design, often splitting the package photo in two halves.  We made our packaging to be opened at the top. Such a design is more difficult to make, but this was the choice to retain the most fluid design.


For premium products, if you open from above, you can take out the monitor standing as it is, and can place it on the desk right away without cumbersome process of a separate installation. We took into consideration the moment the consumers open the box.



“Building piece by piece and focusing on details”


Q. Lastly, tell us about the value or philosophy of design that you pursue.


Just because we say “premium,” we did not try to make something that is literally luxurious and expensive, but instead we focused on the details. We think that is the premium. Rather than focusing on how to make it pretty (which it is of course), we built it piece by piece, and focused on the details. I think that’s what premium is. I think that to be considerate of the customers is what designers should be good at and should be doing.


*Related posts:

Samsung Series 9 Monitor displays true-to-life colors, naturally!

The Design Team Speaks: How Samsung Series 9 Monitor Became a piece of Art

Designing a Masterpiece: An inside Look at the planning of Samsung Series 9 Monitor

Samsung Series 9 Monitor Helps Your Work Look Pro!

* All functionality, features, specifications and other product information provided in this document including, but not limited to, the benefits, design, pricing, components, performance, availability, and capabilities of the product are subject to change without notice or obligation.

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