‘S.hub’ Opens as a Knowledge Hotspot for Youth in Ho Chi Minh City

on October 24, 2015
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Knowledge is one of life’s most important treasures, and that’s why Samsung has launched the Smart Library 2.0 project in a partnership with the National Library of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. It aims to give young adults in Vietnam’s largest city better facilities for learning and interacting with their peers.


S Library


The S.hub, as the new space will be known within the National Library, comes equipped with Samsung devices such as PCs, tablets, TVs and LFDs, offering a balance between technological and social developments for adolescents. There is also an online sharing space – www.s-hub.vn – to interact and update information, along with a small auditorium that has a smart interactive whiteboard.


Following the success of Samsung’s Smart Library 1.0 project, which began in 2011 with the goal of renovating 50 school libraries across the region and provided more than 200,000 new books and 300 PCs, the Smart Library 2.0 initiative will continue this journey to create a modern space for exchanging knowledge.


Bui Xuan Duc, Director General of the National Library, believes that S.hub is an encouraging and enriching scheme, and says that the launch highlights “a strong commitment from the National Library and Samsung to a bright future for the younger generation in Vietnam.”


Kim Cheol Gi, Vice President of Samsung Electronics in Vietnam, echoed this sentiment: “S.hub is not only a place with advanced technology and devices, but also a modern, open space that brings young people together for many different activities. I hope S.hub will be a popular place for Ho Chi Minh City’s youngsters, and that it will benefit them greatly.”


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National Library of Ho Chi Minh City:


The National Library of Ho Chi Minh City is a public library, whereby every community member can access the collections without charge. It also has access to ancient materials for the public to view. In 2014, the library served more than 1,533,000 readers.

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