Samsung Electronics Explores Future of AI Research

Korea on October 18, 2022
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Under the themes “Shaping the Future with AI and Semiconductor” and “Scaling AI for the Real World,” renowned experts will share the latest AI research achievements

Samsung Electronics today announced that it will host the Samsung AI Forum 2022 from November 8 to 9.


The Samsung AI Forum, now in its sixth year, is a place for exchanging technological advances with world-renowned AI scholars and experts, sharing the latest AI research achievements and exploring future research direction.


This year’s forum will be held in-person for the first time in three years and will also be live-streamed on Samsung Electronics’ YouTube channel.


Those who are interested in the event can register to participate in the forum from October 18 to the day of the event on the Samsung AI Forum website. Registered participants will be able to receive a detailed program agenda and submit questions online.



Day One: Shaping the Future With AI and Semiconductor

Day one will be hosted by Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT) under the theme “Shaping the Future with AI and Semiconductor.” Participants will discuss the current status and research direction on AI that will lead the future of innovations in other fields including semiconductors and materials.


Jong-Hee (JH) Han, Vice Chairman, CEO and Head of Device eXperience (DX) Division at Samsung Electronics, will start the forum by giving the opening remarks, followed by a keynote speech from Professor Yoshua Bengio of the University of Montreal, Canada. Afterward, technology sessions, such as “AI for R&D Innovation,” “Recent Advances of AI Algorithms” and “Large Scale Computing for AI and HPC” will be held.


During each technology session, renowned AI experts and the AI research leaders at SAIT will be on stage to share their findings. Minjoon Seo, Professor at KAIST, and Hyunoh Song, Professor at the Seoul National University, will introduce the latest research achievements on AI algorithms, and the former IBM and Intel Fellow Alan Gara, who is one of the leading researchers on supercomputers, will make a presentation on the evolution of computing and the future of AI. AI research leaders at SAIT including Changkyu Choi, Executive Vice President and Head of SAIT’s AI Research Center, will share the status and vision of Samsung’s research on AI.


“This year’s AI forum will be prepared to be a place to discuss the direction of AI research to create a better future by applying AI technology to various fields, especially semiconductor, in the future.” said Gyo-Young Jin, President and the Head of SAIT as well as Co-chair of the Samsung AI Forum.


The Samsung AI Researcher of the Year awards, which were established to discover excelling rising researchers in the field of AI, will also be presented during the forum. In addition, various programs, including poster presentations of excellent research papers, introduction of the SAIT, exhibition of its research projects and networking event for researchers and students in the field of AI will be held to accelerate active research in AI.



Day Two: Scaling AI for the Real World

Day two of the forum will be hosted by Samsung Research under the theme “Scaling AI for the Real World.” Participants will share the direction of future AI technological advancement that will have an important impact on our lives, such as hyperscale AI, digital human and robotics technology, which are the latest trending topics.


Sebastian Seung, President and Head of Samsung Research, will start with a welcoming remark and a keynote speech on “Evolutionary approach to brain-inspired learning algorithms.”


Daniel Lee, Executive Vice President and Head of Samsung Research’s Global AI Center, will give a presentation on current status of Samsung Research’s AI research, which will be followed by invited talks by AI experts, including the heads of Global Research Institutes.


Terrence Sejnowski, Professor at the University of California  San Diego and founder of NeurIPS (The Conference and Workshop on Neural Information Processing Systems), one of the most prestigious international conferences on AI, will speak on whether large language models have intelligent, and Dr. Johannes Gehrke, Head of Microsoft Research Lab, will explain the core technology of hyperscale AI and research directions of Microsoft’s next-generation AI.


Afterwards, Dieter Fox, Senior Director of Robotics Research at NVIDIA, will give a presentation on robot technology that controls objects without an explicit model and Seungwon Hwang, Professor at the Seoul National University, will share knowledge on robust natural language processing technology.


Furthermore, Daniel Lee will moderate the panel discussion on the latest AI trends and the future outlook with fellow speakers. There will also be times allotted for presentation and demonstration of the latest research status by the researchers at Samsung Research’s AI Research Center.


“This year’s Samsung AI Forum will be a place for participants to better understand various AI researches currently underway in terms of ‘Scaling AI for the Real World’ to increase the value of our lives,” said Dr. Sebastian Seung, President and Head of Samsung Research. “We hope many people, who are interested in the field of AI, will participate in this year’s forum, which will be held both online and in person.”

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