Samsung Electronics Launches Samsung Newsroom in the Czech Republic
Samsung Electronics has today announced the launch of Samsung Newsroom Česká republika, an all-new online media channel that will serve as the official news source of Samsung Electronics for media and consumers in the Czech Republic.
The most comprehensive regional service for journalists and consumers to date, the new online newsroom will provide information not only on the latest Samsung products and services but also on materials pertaining to local activities, new corporate plans in the region and activities in support of the local community. Visitors to the newsroom will be able to view a wide range of different media types, including press releases, photographs, videos and more.

▲ Samsung Electronics Czech office
The launch of Samsung Newsroom Česká republika marks the 41st local Newsroom site launched around the world, and also further expands the company’s media channel reach to 53 regions in 21 languages. For more innovation about Samsung’s latest innovations and local activities of Samsung Electronics in the Czech Republic, visit
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