Samsung Electronics’ President and CEO Talks Internet of Things and What’s Next for Samsung

on December 22, 2014
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what'snextWe interviewed Samsung Electronics’ President and CEO, Boo-Keun Yoon, on his upcoming 2015 International CES keynote and how the Internet of Things is revolutionizing our industry. Check out his answers below:

What will be the biggest implication of the Internet of Things (IoT) on our everyday lives?


“With the emergence of the IoT era, we will see our lives dramatically change for the better. What’s unique with the IoT is that it engages every facet of our daily lives. It reduces the time, cost, and resources we would normally spend throughout a day. Imagine, for instance, a driverless car that understands where and how fast you want to go. It will not only save you time and effort but also allow you to pursue other important things such as meaningful time with your family. Thanks to the IoT and the expanded value of things, we will be able to achieve more efficient and enjoyable lives.”


In your opinion, how is the IoT changing the tech industry?

“As many of my industry peers may agree, the IoT is bringing a significant change to our business. It is already shaping a new ecosystem within and outside of the tech industry, bringing infinite new opportunities. The convergence of technologies will accelerate, and collaborations will multiply to fill the needs of consumers. We at Samsung are committed to working with others to build the Internet of Things.”


What is your favorite CES memory?

“CES has always been full of fun and meaningful opportunities for me. My favorite part of the show is taking a tour around our booth and connecting with our customers, tech enthusiasts, and media. It’s always great to see their reactions to and feedback of our products. This year, I am looking forward to being on the keynote stage at CES, speaking about Samsung’s human-centered technologies and our vision for IoT.”


If you could sum up your upcoming keynote in just one word, what would it be?




What is the one consumer electronics product you cannot live without?


“I have been very lucky to have worked on a number of consumer electronics products throughout my career. Televisions, air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines and many others – they are all remarkable and continue to enhance many people’s lives. As more and more of these devices and appliances connect to one another, and with other objects, we will begin to see an even greater transformation. It’s what I’m most excited about – the infinite possibilities that the IoT will bring to our daily lives.”


What’s next for Samsung?


“There is no doubt that the IoT will lead the next wave of consumer technology, and Samsung takes great importance in contributing to this revolution and providing consumers with a variety of IoT experiences. Together with the entire industry, Samsung will continue to drive innovation and work together with others to realize the IoT era.”


For the latest updates on CES 2015, visit


*This article was originally posted on




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