Samsung Surprises a Newark Elementary School with $50,000 in Technology to Celebrate Girls in STEM

on December 10, 2014
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• Samsung has provided a $50,000 technology grant to increase access to tools for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) learning at the Peshine Avenue Elementary School in Newark, N.J. 


Samsung Surprises a Newark Elementary School with $50,000 in Technology to Celebrate Girls in STEM

The gift will improve access to technology for Peshine Avenue Elementary students and help bridge the digital divide

Samsung announced that the company has provided a $50,000 technology grant to increase access to tools for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) learning at the Peshine Avenue Elementary School in Newark, N.J. The school has been selected as the recipient for the donation following their completion of a pilot program that aimed to inspire 4th and 5th grade girls to pursue careers in engineering and computer science by introducing them to the people, technologies and processes behind software and hardware in their everyday lives.


Samsung Executive Vice President Dr. David Steel, accompanied by U.S. Senator Cory Booker and Newark Public Schools Assistant Superintendent Dr. Peter Turnamian, presented Peshine Avenue Elementary School leaders with a $50,000 technology grant.


The announcement was made at a final showcase event for the program – called emPOWER Tomorrow – during which U.S. Senator Cory Booker, Newark Public Schools Assistant Superintendent Dr. Peter Turnamian and Samsung Electronics North America’s Executive Vice President David Steel congratulated the participants and spoke about the importance of engaging females in STEM subjects. 


“The United States must lead the globe in technology research & development, and we can’t do that if we don’t train and attract the best engineers, scientists, and researchers,” said Sen. Booker. “STEM education in America is falling behind other nations, but engagement from the private sector, like we’re seeing today from Samsung’s announcement, is helping to turn that tide as we work to prioritize federal investment.”


The emPOWER Tomorrow program was first piloted at the Miller Street School in Newark, N.J., in the spring of 2014, and later at Peshine Avenue Elementary School in the fall of 2014. The curriculum for the programs was developed by Discovery Education and licensed by Samsung. The grant will provide technology resources to sustain and expand the work that started with emPOWER Tomorrow.

“At Samsung, we believe that engaging youth in science, technology, engineering and math is critical to ensuring that tomorrow’s leaders are interested in and prepared for some of the careers that lay ahead,” said Steel. “We have seen tremendous results from the emPOWER Tomorrow pilot programs, and we’re looking forward to watching Peshine Avenue Elementary School continue to build on that success.”


The emPOWER Tomorrow program is part of the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow initiative which aims to engage students nationwide in active, hands-on STEM learning. The program is one of several that Samsung supports in the U.S. to engage the next generation of female leaders in STEM subjects and careers.


Since 2010, Samsung has invested more than $17 million in support of STEM education to schools, students and teachers across the United States. To learn more about the Samsung’s efforts to support education in the U.S., please visit:

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