Samsung’s Community Service Group Provides Medical Services to Stray Animals

on July 5, 2017
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At the beginning of 2017, Samsung Electronics entered the animal health care industry with the launch of its PT10V device, a point-of-care (POC) blood analyzer for pets. Unveiled at the North American Veterinary Community (NAVC) Conference in Orlando, Florida, the PT10V was selected by the NAVC as one of the conference’s “must see” products.


Samsung’s Health & Medical Equipment Business department employees recognized that this device represented more than just high-technology. Rather, it presented an opportunity to make a difference. In April of this year, about twenty likeminded members of the Health & Medical Equipment Business team banded together and established a community service group they named the “Mung Nyangs” – a play-on-words of the onomatopoeic Korean words for ‘bark’ and ‘meow’, and established a group slogan of “Happier together.” The slogan refers to the potential happiness of stray animals who receive care under the volunteer program.



The kindhearted group utilized Samsung Electronics’ “Voluntainment Talent Sharing’ program – a support mechanism for employees who establish community service initiatives – to provide four PT10Vs to animal shelters across Korea. At more than several thousands of dollars per unit, the animal shelters were delighted to receive the advanced medical equipment. Additionally, the team also supplied the shelters with free blood test cartridges, ensuring that the animals had access to the care they needed.


Samsung’s PT10V features a compact design that delivers impressive results by testing for up to 13 different blood ailments at a time, including liver, lung and digestive system diseases. Moreover, the device provides results inside of 10 minutes, which are easily shared with other devices through an application available on smartphones and tablet PCs.


Based on the success of the PT10V blood analyzer and the enthusiastic response to the “Mung Nyangs” efforts in Korea, Samsung is seeking to expand the program internationally. The company plans to continue cultivating its veterinary-related service groups by leveraging its medical equipment technologies, and to provide much needed support to animals and the business who care for them, all around the world.


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