The Days We Don’t Feel So Independent from Technology
What does the 4th of July mean to you? The Declaration of Independence, Fireworks, barbeques, all-out sales…. What about independence? Isn’t that pretty important? Voltaire once said, “Man is free the moment he wishes to be.” But that’s Voltaire, he didn’t have this irresistible thing called technology.
Most of the time we have technology at our fingertips, there for us whenever we desire; but there are also days when we just cry for its help. So, are you Independent? Are you in control of yourself? Thinking about all the times we’ve been desperate for technology, my team came up with a list of 365 moments over our morning coffee break – yes I’m at work, no July 4th in Seoul =’( Luckily for you, I’ve trimmed it down to 4, so here it goes:
1. Sunday Morning
10:30am. You just woke up. You feel exhausted, because you put all your effort into making the best out of…um…Saturday night. You have so many things to do: drink water, eat some food, take a shower, clean your house, get groceries and maybe go see your parents. But priority first, you must throw myself into the couch. Comfortably wrapped up in the cushions, you think about all the tedious and undesirable choirs you have to do. Then magic happens. You forget it!
The only thing you can think to do is to reach your hand out for the thing that will make powerful again. Not being able to use your Jedi force, because you run out of it last night, you struggle. After what seems like finger and arm acrobatics, and the cramps that follow after, you remember that your Samsung SMART TV has Motion Control. You may return to your inner peace. If you don’t believe it check out how usher did it! Anyway, you turn on the TV to start your glorious day, finally. Minutes turn into hours, and now it’s 4pm, still feeling like a champ.
2. Awkward Moments
I always seem to walk by someone on the street whom I prefer not to acknowledge or not sure if I should acknowledge; like I know them, but not their names, I met them at a weird meeting or I’m not sure if they would recognize me. This is the time I must use my smartphone. When I recognize that someone on the street from far ahead, I pull out my smartphone and pretend to be on the phone until my back is facing his.
Obviously, there is a risk of someone calling me at that exact moment to make the situation even more awkward, but it sure is worth the risk. For that longest moment, I become a risk-taking Oscar nominated actor, making what has to be the world’s most important fake phone call. By the way, anybody know an Android app for this?
3. It’s Cooking Time!
An average Joe might say that cooking is the least technological activity in daily modern life. That is because he is an average Joe! A good connoisseur like me, who only enjoys state of the art food, needs state of the art technology. For example, what is the most important thing when cooking a corn dog? Fresh ingredients? OK, maybe, but how are you going to cook it? That’s right. You need a microwave! (Or an oven or a stove if you’re any better than I am)
A microwave is the single most important piece of technology in my kitchen, followed by the freezer that keeps my food ice cold and fresh for decades. State of the art microwaves adjust cooking time with a sensor, so no food is ever over or undercooked! That means no more ‘trial and error’ process to figure out the best cooking time for all your delicious frozen food! You don’t believe it?
I’m very serious when it comes to food and I’m telling you Samsung microwaves can. (Check out other High-Tech home appliances from Samsung, some fridge has apps in it!) Without technology, a lot of us would be eating raw food, or at least I would!
4. When I See a Celebrity
It doesn’t matter where I see them: a movie set, a concert, a restaurant, a local supermarket or a manicure shop (yeah, MAN-icure). It doesn’t even matter if it is pitch-black dark that you can’t even recognize them. Whenever I see or think I see a celebrity, I pull out my smartphone, like John Wayne pulls out his gun in the movies, and start taking pictures or videos.
Most of the time, I’m not even aware who they are or what I’m doing. It is just primal instinct. (I do not scream though, thankfully.) Also, I’m so excited many of the pictures or videos come out below my expectation. This is when Galaxy S4’s 13MP camera with features like Dual Camera, Drama Shot, Animated Photo or Sound and Shot feature goes to work to capture the rare moment in high quality!
When I finally get a hold of myself, I realize what I’m doing and become embarrassed. However, I don’t stop and I can’t stop. So I just tone down a notch and take shots from a far away; far enough where they can’t see me. Because I am just cool like that.
Yes, the 4th of July may be Independence Day in America, but we have our dependent moments. What are your moments? Please share and make us feel better!
– ASyk
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