Unleash Your Fingers

on July 25, 2011
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Ever since texting, your fingers have had a lot to do with your phones. And now with the touchscreens, gesture-based UIs and all the different features on smartphones and tablets, your fingers have evolved to do more.




Today, we’d like to introduce a video that features Finger Tutting, a new kind of contemporary performance art where intricate shapes and geometric figures are created using hands and arms. In short, it’s like break dancing or popping with your fingers. We’re sure you’re all cool and you all have beautiful fingers and hands and arms and elbows and …… yeah, but this dude is serious. JayFunk, the Finger Tutting phenomenon flew from LA to Paris to deliver this performance. The video speaks for itself: Unleash Your Fingers!





When we first played this video at the office, we heard the same things again and again: a lot of whistles, gasps, and wows. It seems that a lot of people felt the same. Last week, “Unleash Your Fingers” debuted on The Top 10 Viral Video Ads Chart, a famous online-video-rating chart, at No. 10 with just under 640,000 views. Now the Youtube count is already over 3.7 million.


Just in case you starting wondering if your fingers can do that, here’s another video of JayFunk, teaching you how to do this. We can’t wait to see you unleash your fingers!





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