View to a Thrill: Expressing Themselves with the Galaxy View, Part 2

on November 10, 2015
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View to a Thrill: Expressing Themselves with the Galaxy View, Part 2


The Samsung Galaxy View promises to transform people’s lifestyles. With an 18.4-inch screen and a battery capable of eight hours of video playback, it’s a new dimension in entertainment, helping everyone in the family do more, enjoy more choices and find their inspiration.


In Part 1, we looked at how the Galaxy View can improve life for mom and dad, both in the office and at home, making life more fun and fulfilling. Now in Part 2, we will look at their kids—a daughter who is attending university and a son who is in high school— and how the Galaxy View can transform their lives, too, letting them share, be more productive and better express themselves.


View to a Thrill: Expressing Themselves with the Galaxy View, Part 2


Empowering a Daughter with More Options


For their daughter, an aspiring artist studying painting at university, the Galaxy View can be a great aid. Even an emergency visit to the hospital on the day of an important class outing cannot derail her studies; the Full HD screen of the Galaxy View is so incredibly vivid, it provides the details necessary to use as inspiration and reference for her own artwork. Friends can easily email their images from the trip to her, then she can draw from them just like she had actually been there.


Of course, nobody likes having to spend time in the hospital. Lying in bed all day is awfully boring. But mom and dad can bring a Galaxy View for their daughter, giving her plenty of space for storing all her favorite movies, books and magazines. Now it is easy to pass the time with her favorite contents until she has gotten a clean bill of health.


Passing the time during a boring hospital stay is useful, but staying healthy and out of the hospital is even better—and the Galaxy View can help here, too. The daughter tries to keep in shape at home, and with her Galaxy View there is always a convenient space and time to stretch and exercise. The Galaxy View’s big screen makes it easy for her to see all the details of each routine, ensuring her exercises go just right and helping her live healthier.


An important part of anyone’s social life is the great first date. First impressions are always important, but with the Galaxy View, the daughter can find her favorite online makeup tips and create just the right look. Makeup is a subtle craft, getting the colors and blending exact, so she does not want to rely on a small, dim screen. But the big, bright Full HD of the Galaxy View is ideal for getting ready for that dream date. Not only that, but she can also use instant messaging with her friends as she gets ready, for encouragement and more fashion ideas.


Not every night can be a party, though. Sometimes you have to stay home and spend time with family. When it is dad’s birthday, that means a lot of visiting uncles and aunts, but also rambunctious nephews and nieces. The daughter wants to catch up with her family, but the younger kids have the energy to run riot all day long. Once again, it is the Galaxy View to the rescue. The Galaxy View in her room is big enough for all the kids to enjoy together, leaving her free to bond with her dad and the rest of the family.


View to a Thrill: Expressing Themselves with the Galaxy View, Part 2


Helping a Son Stand Out


The family’s son is in high school, so he is concerned with sharing with his friends, learning who he is and trying to meet new people. For instance, at school he has been active in the travel club. Trying to get new students to sign up at the start of the year can be a real grind, but luckily he has a Galaxy View, which gives him a big advantage. On the school’s club day, when the student clubs run booths to sign up new members, he just sets up the Galaxy View, showing off a whole range of beautiful scenery from around the world. Gorgeous Full HD images are better than speeches, showing the sorts of traveling that the club’s members have done in the past, encouraging record-numbers of kids to sign up.


Another big event at school is the talent competition. The son really likes b-boy dancing and wants to wow the school at the competition, but he does not want to embarrass himself. Professional lessons cost too much—but with the Galaxy View, it is a snap to find the best instructional videos on the Internet, and practice all evening long (well, after his homework is done). It takes plenty of sweat and hard work, but the joy that comes from impressing the school makes it all worthwhile.


The Galaxy View is also great for sharing with family members, like with his grandmother and grandfather. After learning that he is going to be in the school newspaper for his dance win, he finds the URL for the story and shares it with his family. Online newspapers may be a bit small for mobile phones, but they look great on the Galaxy View, and his grandparents are happy to see their grandson doing so well.


Another day, when mom invites a friend over for coffee, the friend brings her son, who is also in high school. In the past that might have caused some awkward conversation and uncomfortable silences for the two boys. But not with the Galaxy View. These days, the option is clear—gaming. The son suggests that they square off in the video game arena, using the big screen and sharp graphics of the Galaxy View. The time zips along and before you know it, the two boys have become good friends.


There is one person in particular that the son hopes to impress. A girl. He heard that she noticed his b-boy dance routine at the talent show, but now he is unsure of how to make the next move. So his sister suggests a big romantic gesture. That is a nice idea, but where does a teenage guy learn how to pull off something like that? To the Galaxy View, where he scours famous movies and TV shows, looking for something that is just right. He finds one movie that he really likes—the main character makes a romantic poster to show the girl he loves—so he makes a similar poster and records himself holding it on the Galaxy View’s camera. Then he knocks on the door of the girl’s house, and when she answers, there he is, re-enacting the famous movie scene. A little cheesy? Sure, but that is okay if it melts his crush’s heart.


Not every family is just like the daughter and son and their parents, but everyone can appreciate the convenient and fun advantages that the Galaxy View puts at their fingertips. Whether learning, sharing, playing or impressing others, there is a multitude of great ways that the light, 18.4-inch Galaxy View can help everyone’s life. More than just another device, the Galaxy View is a new dimension in entertainment, one that can transform the lifestyles of the whole family.


To check out Part 1 of our View to a Thrill series, about how the Galaxy View is changing people’s lives, please click here.


*All functionality, features, specifications and other product information provided in this document including, but not limited to, the benefits, design, pricing, components, performance, availability, and capabilities of the product are subject to change without notice or obligation.

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