You’ve Never Seen a Chase Scene like This!

on August 20, 2013
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This baby is serious!


What is the greatest vehicle chase scene….EVER?

Steve McQueen’s untouchable swag when he drives the Mustang GT390 on every street of San Francisco from Bullit?

Matt Damon’s masterful maneuvering of the Mini Cooper on a crowded narrow European street from Bourne Identity?


The famous 12 minutes ‘cars vs. airplane’ chase sequence on the never ending runway from Fast and Furious 6?


What about a chase between a cute baby with a mustache and the new Motion Sync vacuum cleaner?


Yes, it is one of its kinds.


The police siren on the baby walker, the mustache and the will to chase. Baby, this baby is serious. However, the new Motion Sync vacuum is very tough to catch; it moves around so quickly, freely and quietly.


Check out what could possibly be one of the greatest sequences in the history of ‘baby vs. vacuum cleaner’ chases!



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