Samsung laptops are in fact secure[Issue & Fact]
The statements that Samsung installs keylogger on R525 and R540 laptop computers are false.
Our findings indicate that the person mentioned in the article used a security program called VIPRE that mistook a folder created by Microsoft’s Live Application for a key logging software, during a virus scan.
The confusion arose because VIPRE mistook Microsoft’s Live Application multi-language support folder, “SL” folder, as StarLogger.
(Depending on the language, under C:\windows folders “SL” for Slovene, “KO” for Korean, “EN” for English are created.)
Samsung will continue to respect customer needs by providing the highest quality products and services.
* Refer to the image below: results of running Vipre (premium) after creating an empty SL
folder at c:\Windows\.
* Please find below the statement from GFI Lab, the maker of VIPRE, on this incident.
Samsung Laptops do not have a keylogger (and it was our fault) (GFI LABS BLOG)
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