[삼성투모로우 매거진 60호] 세계를 매료시킨 로고 디자인이 뭐예요? 궁금증 폭발!

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SAMSUNG TOMORROW MAGAZINE VOL. 60 / JULY 2013 Samsung Electronics Announces Curved OLED TV in Korea 어떻게 일반 화질의 컨텐츠가 UHD급 생생한 화질로 변환이 가능할까? ‘구부러진 TV’의 탄생, 탑 시크릿 공개~! 세계를 매료시킨 로고 디자인이 뭐예요? 궁금증 폭발! 당신의 고정관념 속 TV는 어떤 모양인가요? Samsung’s Curved OLED TV Recognized for its Unrivaled Picture Quality The First Step in the Evolution of Crystal Clear UHD TV 미국 소비자 6,000명이 직접 뽑은 만족도 1위 TV는? 무료 영화를 원하시나요? 어서와~ 어셔가 찍은 액션 스릴러물은 처음이지?sa

Samsung Tomorrow Magazine Samsung Electronics Announces Curved OLED TV in Korea Is it possible for a normal TV image to transform into a clear UHD? Revealing the Top Secret of the Birth of ‘Curved OLED TV’~! Curious to know which logo design mesmerized the world? What is the shape of the TV you always had in mind? Samsung’s Curved OLED TV Receives World’s First Picture Quality Validation Certificate The First Step in the Evolution of Crystal Clear UHD TV No 1 Highest Satisfied Samsung TV Selected Directly by 6,000 U.S Customers Want to watch a free movie? Let’s see Usher’s First Action Thriller Video Clip! Samsung tomorrow blog SAMSUNG TOMORROW GLOBAL BLOG Samsung Electronics Twitter Samsung Electronics Facebook About US Contact US

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