Get Your Laundry Bubbly Clean with Samsung’s Top Load Washers with Ecobubble™

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Clean clothes make us feel fresh, gives us a confidence boost, and lets us take on the world. But what happens when all of your favourite pieces are less than perfect, stained from previous use in spite of multiple washes and endless scrubbing? Do you throw them out and start again? Put them on and pretend that everything’s just fine? Layer multiple pieces (in Malaysian weather, no less) to try and cover up those embarrassing stains?


No. You say goodbye to those stubborn stains when you say hello to Samsung’s new Top Load Washers with EcobubbleTM!




Save Your Energy

Gone are the days of sweating over yesterday’s curry stains from your shirts. Thanks to our EcobubbleTM and BubbleStormTM technology, your favourite T-shirts will be getting their well-deserved bubble bath! Just put in your favoured detergent and it will be mixed in with air and water to create even richer bubbles that penetrate your clothes 2.5x faster[1] – lifting and eliminating even the stickiest of grease and grime.


Additionally, the Digital Inverter Tech is electric bill friendly as it utilises 60% less energy[2].




Save Your Time

I’m sure we can all agree that 24 hours a day just isn’t enough so save your time with Top Load’s Super SpeedTM feature. Thanks to the strong waterflow created inside the washer and an extra nozzle, you can expect to cut your laundry time by up to 40%[3] — so go catch up on that episode of your go-to K-drama and your clothes will be done before you even know it.



Little Extras to Make Life Simpler

Noise during washing cycles have also been significantly reduced[4] so you can run your laundry even at night, after everyone has gone to bed.


Moreover, if there are any errors that arises while using the washer, you may automatically diagnose these issues using the Smart Check feature, all done through the ease of your smartphone. And to keep your mind completely at ease, the Samsung Top Load Washers comes with a 20-year warranty[5].


The Recommended Retail Price Samsung’s Top Load Washers with EcobubbleTM are:

Model Recommended Retail Price (RRP)
WA15CG5745BDFQ 15KG RM2,649
WA13CG5745BVFQ 13KG RM2,449
WA12CG5745BDFQ 12KG RM2,099
WA11CG5745BYFQ 11KG RM1,949
WA90CG4545BDFQ RM1,599
WA80CG4545BYFQ RM1,599


What are you waiting for? Walk out the door feeling confident and fresh with Samsung’s Top Load Washers with EcobubbleTM. For more information, please visit



[1] Based on internal testing, using Artificially Soiled Fabric (EMPA 120), compared to a Samsung conventional washing machine, WA5000C 11kg model. Results may vary depending on the actual usage conditions
[2] Based on internal testing of the WA5000C 11kg model with Ecobubble™ and Digital Inverter motor, using an IEC 3kg load (water level 4), compared to the WA5700J 11kg model without Ecobubble™ and an AC motor (water level 4). Results may vary depending on the actual usage conditions.
[3] A normal wash can be completed in as little as 31 minutes using SuperSpeed at the default settings with a 3kg load, compared to 53 minutes in a Samsung Washing Machine without SuperSpeed.
[4] Innovative Vibration Reduction Technology® (VRT) reduces noise and vibration during washes and keeps the tub balanced even at high spin speeds, regardless of load size. Based on internal testing compared to a Samsung conventional model without VRT Technology.
[5] The 20-year warranty is only applicable to the DIT Motor.

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