5 Reasons to Use Your Smartphone’s Low Light Feature

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The Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 edge have done a lot of soul searching and they’ve decided to let the light in. That may sound super deep, but it’s actually a literal thing—the sensor size has increased and its aperture has widened, which means that the 12-megapixel camera captures brighter, more detailed images, even in low-light situations- those moments we often call “inside” and “nighttime”.

We can think of about 500 reasons why you’d want crisp photos sans-flash, but let’s start with five of them—more time for low-light snaps that way.



1. Candlelight Deserves Clarity


So as it turns out, your photographic memories of that perfect candlelit dinner are a bit grainy. But it’s not your fault—in the past, your keepsake photo might have looked like a few tiny campfires swimming in a sea of grain. With your smartphone’s low-light tech, feel free to capture the carbonara in all it’s glory. Oh, and your date too. That would be good.



2. The  Human Factor


At night time, the human face and your camera’s flash are not friends. We glisten, our eyes turn red, and—for the fair-skinned among us—our faces glow with the power of a sun going supernova. It’s not a good look.


When photo-worthy moments strike and the light is low, a wide aperture lens is a total face-flatterer. You’ll get a natural-looking portrait without the whole “ghost of Christmas past” effect.



3. Some Things Are Shiny


Taking pics of shiny objects (like your favourite bowling ball, gadget screens, or aquarium glass) in low light meant you’d either have tons of grain, or, if you turned your flash on, funhouse-style reflections of your face. In this case, low light isn’t an issue so go ahead and grab a photo of your fishy friends, or show off your shiny new tablet—leave the grain to the Food Pyramid and the reflections to the mirror.



4. To Capture the Moment (Before)


Surprise party time is that moment when the surprise-ee busts through the door is bound to be filled by dozens of smartphone flashes, a few dropped grocery bags and maybe even a tear or two. But if you want to snag a memory of the pre-party anticipation –   proof of your immaculate planning skills, a low-light lens is the way to go. Remember, real party ninjas don’t use flash photography.



5. To Remember the Moonlight


Lots of the things that make moonlit walks magical—the dusky streetlights, the stars and the moon itself—have at least two things in common: They’re majestic and they don’t make for very good photo-op lighting. Till now, that is. With your smartphone’s low-light camera, the moonlight is more than enough to make memories.


Photo Credits: Describe the Fauna/Demand Media


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