5 Times You Need to Take Low Light Photos

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Pics or it didn't happen" can be a tricky proposition when the most brag-worthy things happen in low or poor lighting. The flash can be one solution, but even when it's close enough to your subject to be effective, it can sometimes just kill the atmosphere. Now, thanks to the Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7's low-light sensor—which soaks up every detail in even the dimmest lighting—and these simple photo-taking tricks, you can be low-light Insta-ready in a snap.



1. Sunsets in High Dynamic Range

The warm colors, long shadows and directional light that make sunsets so compelling to photograph don’t always translate in their full glory on your camera’s sensor. Enable your Galaxy S7’s HDR mode—which essentially merges three different photos at three different exposures—to get the most vibrant, deeply detailed results.

2. Slower Skyline Shutters

Whether you are shooting the downtown skyline at night or the trees behind your house, switch to Pro mode and adjust your camera’s ISO settings to its lowest shutter speed. This way; the camera sensor gets exposed to light for as long as possible, making night-time pictures shine. For added stability, use a tripod or lean against something stationary, then engage the self-timer—it’s the clock icon in your camera’s settings—so you don’t shift the phone when you tap the shutter.

3. Move Toward the Light

If you’ve ever taken a shot of a friend against a brightly lit window, you know how easy it is to end up with a shadowy silhouette. When shooting in low light conditions against an illuminated background, try turning your subject toward instead of away from the brightest point. That way, whatever light there is hits where you want it—plus you’ll end up composing a more interesting shot.

4. Zoom Out on the Action

Life is filled with fast-moving photo ops that can end up blurry, a grainy mess as a result of poor lighting. When it comes to capturing subjects in darkened motion—like a night-time session of hide-and-go-seek—digital zoom is rarely your friend. Resolution is lost with each level of magnification, so for better close-up shots, simply avoid the zoom and move as close to your subject as possible.

5. Birthday Candle Ambiance

Big milestones call for big celebrations, so when it’s time to blow out the candles on a cake, try emphasising the light source rather than the subject it’s illuminating. To play up the contrast between bright and dark, enable Pro mode and lower your camera’s exposure value—it’s the icon near the bottom with the plus and minus symbols. That makes the shadows deeper and the light source really pop.

Photo Credits: Describe the Fauna/Demand Media 

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