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How air-conditioners impact sleep


JOHANNESBURG, South Africa – 26 September, 2019 It’s that gloriously sunny time of the year that sends us rushing happily to beaches, pools and packed picnic spots. The heat at night, however, can be decidedly uncomfortable, unless you have a good air-conditioner. But is it good for you?


“In order to encourage sleep our core body temperature must decrease. However, unusually high temperature and humidity levels impacts the body’s ability to drift into the zone required for healthy rest. It’s therefore essential that you find a way to regulate your body temperature. Samsung’s Wind-Free™ technology is especially beneficial in this regard,” says Robert Larkan, Head of Digital Air Solutions at Samsung South Africa.


Go with The Flow


It is important that you factor in the quality of your air-conditioning. An air-conditioner that constantly blasts cool air at you can have negative consequences. Samsung’s Wind-Free™ technology is an example of good airflow control. After you’ve selected the desired temperature, it works in two stages by cooling the room down then, it automatically switches to wind free where it maintains the ideal temperature without any direct wind by gently dispersing cool and still air through micro air holes for a natural cooling effect. This also negates the stuffiness people feel in artificially regulated temperatures. Additionally, Wind-Free™ air-conditioners have Virus Doctor – ground-breaking technology that helps those, who are fragile to airborne allergies. In order to prevent harm from dusts, viruses and bacteria which cause diseases, it creates fresh and healthy air by reducing viruses and neutralising active oxygen radicals. It’s revolutionary technology that keeps the family healthier.


Choose The Right Temperature


Air-conditioners do more than help you beat a stuffy, summer’s night. It’s all about body temperature regulation. The magic temperature range for a good sleep is between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius. While 15 degrees may feel too cold for some and 20 degrees too hot for others, once you find your sweet spot you’ll be in dreamland in no time.


Make Sleep a Priority


Constantly waking up in middle of the night to adjust a duvet or turn over to the ‘cooler’ side of the pillow is frustrating. And after just a few nights, we begin to suffer the effects of sleep deprivation, which impacts our mental abilities. Poor sleep is also linked to weight gain and weakened immune systems. If you don’t snooze, you lose.


*Temperatures between 15 and 20 degrees encourage your body to release melatonin, a hormone that challenges the symptoms of ageing by holding wrinkles and age spots at bay. When you keep cool, you release more of this remarkable hormone. Getting your beauty sleep can be a breeze, literally. And your more youthful self, benefits from the peaceful sleep with a sharper attention span the following day.


Clearly, looking and feeling healthier is affected by the quality of your sleep. And if an air-conditioner like Samsung Wind-Free™ can help you get a good night’s rest, then it’s a dream investment.


Wind-Free™ Recommended Retail Price:

*Wind-Free AR12NSPXAWK – RRP: R16 899.00

*Wind-Free AR18NSPXAWK – RRP: R19 799.00

*Wind-Free AR24NSPXAWK – RRP: R23 499.00

*Includes free delivery and installation



Products > Home Appliances

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