A Vibrant Affair to Celebrate Africa Day at Samsung South Africa

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On Friday 24 May, Samsung South Africa’s office buzzed with festivities as employees adorned themselves in beautiful African traditional attire, displaying the rich and diverse cultures of the continent, in celebration of Africa Day. Celebrated annually, Africa Day commemorates Pan-Africanism and holds significant cultural and historical importance, symbolising Africa’s unity, diversity, and resilience.


Under the local theme “Be Lekker, Buy Local”, the day kicked off with a bustling atmosphere as various vendors from the Bryanston Art and Craft Market set up shop on campus, offering an array of Africa-inspired ornaments and sculptures.


Food enthusiasts were in for a treat as a variety of traditional food vendors lined the premises. From mouth-watering South African dishes from TSA Restaurant to aromatic Indian cuisine from Lal Qila and sizzling braai from Dlicious, there was something to satisfy every craving. Not to be missed was the stall specialising in kota, a South African street food favourite also known as ‘sphatlho’ – a quarter loaf of bread filled with a variety of savoury ingredients from 2selai.



In true African style, music filled the air, adding to the festive ambience of the celebrations. The rhythmic beats and melodies resonated with the spirit of Africa, making the occasion all the more special.


As part of the festivities, Samsung ran an engaging competition leading up to Africa Day, where employees were invited to share videos showcasing their African identity. The response was overwhelming, with participants sharing personal stories, cultural traditions, and expressions of African pride. Bradley Perumal won the competition, see more here https://youtu.be/UY-PbTk8d34?feature=shared.



Africa Day at Samsung South Africa was more than just a celebration; it was a testament to the company’s commitment to embracing diversity, fostering inclusivity, and honouring the rich cultural heritage of the continent. It served as a reminder that Africa’s strength lies in its unity, its resilience, and its people – values that Samsung South Africa proudly embodies.

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