FGL Africa partners with Cherné Africa for: The Journey of the Sun & Soul

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The environmental crisis of our time, urges people to recognise the profound significance of our interconnectedness. Curator and creative director Cherné Africa, teamed up with Samsung Africa’s Future Generation Lab (FGL) to bring this concept to life during a three-day exhibition at the esteemed Melrose Gallery in Johannesburg.


Cherné, who’s also an international fashionista, stylist and artist, explored this concept by delving into the relationship between the digital and natural worlds, delving into the fundamental elements of earth, wind, fire, and water. She seamlessly integrated what is visible and known with what remains unseen and unknown. In this intricate tapestry of reality and spirit, the audience embarked on a journey of both enlightenment and introspection. The Frame TV, NEO QLED on its rotating stand, and the Galaxy S23 range came to life through a combination of sonic, virtual, and visual experiences.


Africa took everyone on an immersive, interactive and stimulating journey through the elements as she personally encounters them. The exhibition was an exploration of our world through her unique perspective. Samsung seamlessly extended an authentic fit to the exhibition because of its dedication to human-driven innovation that defies barriers. The experience was also aligned with the FGL’s commitment to enabling Gen Z’s highest form of self-expression and connecting them to the things and people they love through Samsung products.


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