Fun with Filters: What Do Galaxy S6 Filters Say About You

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A picture might be worth a thousand words, but a thousand words doesn’t always tell the whole story—a good photo filter elevates your snapshot from a dry paragraph to a rich novella. With a whole quiver full of photo effects built into the Samsung Galaxy S6 edge and Galaxy S6 camera app, altering the tone of that story is as easy as tapping the screen a few times. But in the age of selfies, our photos are more than just visual stories; they’re statements about us. The question is which effect is the most “you”?


The Artsy One


Maybe you’re known for taking your easel down to the park on weekends, or maybe you just doodle in the margins of your notebook. Whether you prefer the art of the 1860s or the 1960s, the Van Gogh-inspired Impressionist and ultra-colorful Pop Art filters have you covered. The former says, “I’ll always take the creative route, but I like to keep it timeless,” while the latter significantly ramps up the quirkiness factor. Go for Impressionist if you’re the classical type, or Pop Art if you prefer punchy comic book covers. Either way, you’re definitely the person who makes handmade birthday cards.


Cool and Collected


To you, cream and sugar in coffee is blasphemy. Your favorite movie genre? Film noir. Somehow, a trail of fog seems to follow you in the night. You snap a photo of a flickering neon sign, then access your camera app’s Quick Settings menu to apply a black-and-white Vintage effect. Sleek and classy though it may be, it’s not quite dark enough to capture your jazz collection—on vinyl, of course. That’s where the high-contrast, high-style Magic Pen filter comes in.


Everyone’s Bright Spot


You like cats, but you like glitter even more. As someone who sings in the car and revels in life’s little things, you’re pretty happy with how crisp that pic of your cute-as-a-button puppy looks on the Quad HD AMOLED screen—but life can always be brighter. What if your pup was chasing streaks of rainbow light through a whole new stratosphere of adorable? The Light Streak effect makes that happen. Sometimes, though, you like to keep it sweet and simple. Tossing on a light coat of pink and a few lens flares with the Stardust filter is the photo equivalent of putting sprinkles on a donut…and you love sprinkles.


An Old-Fashioned Techie


If Teddy Roosevelt took selfies, they’d look almost as rugged as yours. You, sir, are more vintage than vintage. You not only have a mustache, but you wax that mustache with pride. And madam, you at times use pomade in your hair.. Sure, your pictures clock in at 16 megapixels—just a few bazillion magnitudes of resolution higher than your vintage camera—but their golden tones and whimsically desaturated hues look right at home in the history books.


Photo Credits: John Chapple / Demand Media


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