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Get more out of your everyday activities


Whether you are sleeping, working, studying or exercising, it is vital that these be done in optimal temperatures in order to do these to the best of your ability. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through the superior design and technology offered by Samsung’s air conditioners.

Most people spend the majority of their week in an office, often not realising how much of an effect the air temperature has on their working environment. Just a couple of degrees too hot or cold can have a major impact on productivity. A number of studies have been conducted to determine what the best temperature is and, although there is some disagreement, the optimal range has been determined to be somewhere between 21 and 25 degrees Celsius.

The situation is similar when, after a long day at work, you want to get a good night’s sleep. Your set point body temperature decreases and this mild drop in body heat induces sleep. If it’s too hot or cold, the body struggles to achieve this. Since a cooler room is more likely to stimulate sleep, the general consensus is that a room be kept between 18 to 22 degrees Celsius.

It has also been shown that when exercising, your body can regulate its temperature better in cooler conditions, enabling you to exercise longer and thus burn more calories. On the other hand, sustained endurance training in the heat can actually improve your performance when you find yourself in less scorching environments. So, whether you are preparing for an ultra-distance race, or merely trying to lose some weight by running on your treadmill at home, you can easily achieve the ideal temperature suited to your specific training needs by simply adjusting the temperature on your air conditioner.

“Samsung understands just how important it is to not only achieve a specific temperature, but to maintain it with as little deviation as possible,” says Michael McKechnie, Director of Digital Appliances at Samsung Electronics SA. “Our Samsung 360 Cassette air conditioning unit offers an omni-directional airflow discharge. This eradicates cold air drafts and provides a temperature deviation of less than 0.6 degrees Celsius across an area spanning a diameter of 9.3m, thus delivering optimum temperature control.”

Having such control is critical, as there are a multitude of activities that demand a specific temperature range. One such situation involves studying, where a substantial amount of energy can be expended if you are too cold, thereby reducing your concentration. Alternatively, if you are too hot, you can become restless and unfocused.

Whatever your environmental needs are at any given time, ensuring the correct equipment is available in your space can make the transition between different temperatures both convenient and efficient. The more effective your air conditioning system, the likelihood of it consuming less energy is increased, making it cost-effective and environmentally friendly as well.

“The rounded design of the Samsung 360 Cassette creates a circular air wave, which consistently controls the temperature of the room by providing an even distribution of air across a full 360 degree direction. The bladeless design ensures fast and comfortable cooling, while the built-in Samsung Virus Doctor technology – included as an optional extra – eliminates viruses and reduces the possibility of illness. Best of all, the 360 Cassette not only creates an optimal and comfortable environment, but it is also aesthetically pleasing, catering to our style-conscious consumers,” McKechnie concludes.

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