Go Big and Do More

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The doers of this world know how to get the most out of their day – they know how to climb out of the box and get things done.

Time is a precious resource and ever since the 18th Century when a clock was first used to synchronise labour, time has been equated to money. The adage, ‘time is money’ evolved from this. Which is why time-saving inventions and devices are so important in today’s world.


Household innovations like dishwashers or electric lawnmowers are consistently developing to give people more time. Technology has evolved to enable just about everything to be mobile. But even with time-saving devices and software, there often still doesn’t seem to be enough in a day.


It all goes back to equating time with money – the more you can do in an hour, the more valuable you are. As life becomes ever more frenetic, the lines between work and leisure become more blurred, so it takes more organisation to balance.


Making Time

The world is full of creatively busy people who want to do all they can to achieve their potential, to live a life rich in moments and make the most of their time. These are today’s doers. But they are more than just the busy executive who must keep myriad appointments and pieces of communication in mind.


Take a working mother for example. According to time-use expert Geoffrey Godbey from Penn State University in the US, working mothers with young children are the most time-scarce members of society.

She’s got to juggle up-to-the-minute details of her children’s schedules with her work time-table, as well as manage numerous household responsibilities. She also needs to spend quality time with her children and of course, capture those special moments for posterity.


Then there’s the university student who needs to keep abreast of study schedules and have access to learning material or additional research; but who also wants to create a good study-life balance by maximising social interaction making sure those moments are posted on social media.


Or the architect who needs to draw a concept design on site, taking the raw landscape into account while also checking municipal building regulations and referring to the client’s e-mailed brief.


Busy people who want to do more need tools that can do more.


Go Big and Do More

Samsung have created a smartphone that’s geared towards today’s doers. In fact, it’s more than a smartphone – it’s a superphone.


Celebrating people who don’t just think, but do, the Galaxy Note8 features a bigger screen that allows you to open and use multiple apps. The S-pen makes note-taking quicker and easier. The professional dual camera lets you cash in on your creativity by taking both portrait and landscape shots at the same time, or capturing that perfect moment on film – enriching your story. The super-smart Bixby acts as a personal concierge and helps you to adapt your daily journey to give you time to do more. All that and it can also be connected to a DeX station and monitor for a desktop experience.


“It’s a busy world and being able to get out there and do more with efficiency and creativity is something doers aspire to. The Galaxy Note8 is the perfect tool for people who aren’t afraid to break beyond boundaries and achieve it all,” says Craige Fleischer: Director Integrated Mobility.


Humans strive to make the most of their time and get the best value out of it. Even leisure time needs to be filled with useful activity. Doers know how to get the most out of each day. They know that planning, flexibility, versatility and multi-tasking are the keys to moving beyond thought and into action.

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