Money, Money, Money

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There’s no getting around it – money is essential for getting through the day, but while cash has long lost its lustre, bank cards are also easily lost, or even left behind – is there a solution to getting through your day without a purse or wallet?


When last did you have cash on you? While a few coins certainly help when leaving a parking garage, the need for cash has become almost obsolete. The up-shot is a wallet or purse filled to the brim with cards – from debit and credit, to loyalty cards – the scramble at a till to find the right one still causes inconvenience. Most women, or trendy men who carry the ubiquitous ‘man-bag’ understand the challenge of finding something at the bottom of their handbags. If a card has fallen out of their purse or wallet, it can be a major task to fish it out from the myriad other essentials lurking in the bag. If you tend to carry your wallet or purse in a pocket, then the bulk will invariably ruin the silhouette of trendy trousers, jackets or jeans, not to mention the possibility of pickpockets stealing not just a favourite accessory, but your whole life.


Then there’s that heart-stopping wear and tear – when the little magnetic strip decides to give up the ghost and the cashier tries to help by wrapping it up in a piece of discarded till-slip paper. While tap and pay cards have mostly obviated this irritation, there’s still the risk of damaging or losing cards. While you may have a forgetful moment and leave your cards at home, it’s almost guaranteed you won’t leave your phone behind. In the past, the only good that would do is your ability to phone a friend to bail you out of a potentially unpaid coffee shop bill.


What if all your cards were securely and instantly accessible? What if that accessibility was on your phone? Well, that’s what Samsung Pay has offered. Freedom from the bag, the wallet, the purse. Freedom to pay your way, wherever, whenever. It’s the new accessory for life. Not only can you upload all your cards, the payment process is super-secure, using innovative technology that keeps all your private information locked up and encrypted, but your wallet or purse is also exceptionally stylish – because it’s now encapsulated in one of Samsung’s superlative smartphones.


Justin Hume, Director of Integrated Mobility for Samsung South Africa, says, “It’s a revolutionary way to pay. Samsung Pay works virtually anywhere, because it can mimic both types of technology used in pay-points.”


Now, the only thing you need when you leave your house is your keys and your phone. Pay for everything you need, from coffee with a friend and groceries, to a beautiful pair of shoes or a new suitcase with Samsung Pay.

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