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Samsung's most advanced Smart TV is designed to blend seamlessly into its surroundings


The days of finding creative ways to disguise your television are over. Samsung’s QLED smart TV Is specifically designed to blend In with and even enhance, Its surroundings. Look quickly and you might mistake It for an artwork – the thin black frame is more minimal than most and the QLED’s ambient mode allows the screen to blend Into the wall behind It.


An automatic luminance adjustment censor optimises the television’s brightness for the light levels in the room. Ambient Mode elevates the living room with decorative content, useful Information, photos and can mimic the design or the wall behind It.


One invisible connection Is all you need. Now, with all the cables merged Into one, there Is no longer a mess of cables and the TV blends perfectly Into your space. Best of all, you also have the space to design your room the way you want.



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