Zoom in on How Quantum Dots Create Lifelike Colours

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Whether you’re watching sports, movies, or bringing on your favorite series, it’s easy to get sucked into what’s on screen. But when you’re watching it on a TV from Samsung’s Quantum dot TV lineup, it’s so much more than that. With the lifelike, pure colors engineered with Samsung’s Quantum dot technology, you feel transported right into the scene. Let’s zoom in on how these miniature dots make a huge difference in your TV experience.



Feel the warmth of the sun as it sets in the sky. It peeks from behind the clouds, turning the sky several vibrant shades of red, with each hue shown true to life. Quantum dot technology sends you into the sky, witnessing a stunning sunset visage from the comfort of your own home.



Every tree in a forest has its own story and every leaf helps tell that tale. Quantum dot technology brings out the bright green hues of each individual leaf, sending you on a hike through a stunning grove.



Grab a blanket before you press play. Though you’re cozied up on your couch, taking a visual tour of an ice cave on a Quantum dot TV provides such vivid blues and lifelike detail that you may feel a slight chill.


How do Quantum dots work?

Although a Quantum dot is miniscule—more than 10,000 times smaller than a strand of human hair—there are variations of sizes within the dots that provide bold and bright colors. When light is shone through, larger dots emit red, while the smallest dots shine blue. What’s in between those is green, and these three primary colors band together to reproduce every shade of color.


What’s so special about Quantum dots?

No matter what you’re watching, getting involved in what’s on your screen is a thrilling part of any TV session. With colors that span the hues of the rainbow and more, every frame of your favorite movie or every highlight of your sports team is full of rich, sophisticated colors that make what you’re seeing bright and bold. Plus, Samsung’s Quantum dots have been quad-coated to ensure that their pure color remains stable and bright for a long time. And in conjunction with High Dynamic Range (HDR) technology, Quantum dots express the complex colors of real life and enhance the details of the image, so you can feel like you’re on scene with lifelike visuals.

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