EPA Presents Samsung with ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award at CES 2017
Earlier this month, Samsung Electronics was recognized as a recipient of the highly coveted ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for its innovative R-600a refrigerant system integrated into all 20 of its 2017 refrigerators.
For its achievement, Samsung was formally recognized at an award ceremony on January 6 at the Samsung CES 2017 Booth at the Las Vegas Convention Center.
The EPA first awarded the ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award in 2011, and focuses on a different product category or eco-conscious theme each year. For 2016, the EPA recognized Innovative Refrigerant Systems used in ENERGY STAR certified residential and commercial products that aim to reduce energy use and lower greenhouse gas emissions.
As a naturally occurring and climate-friendly refrigerant, R-600a has no ozone depletion potential and boasts a low Global Warming Potential (GWP) rating. It requires less work to be done by the unit’s condenser, which reduces energy usage by 6.5 percent and makes the refrigerator quieter than previous models.
In addition to being recognized for its 2017 refrigerators, Samsung also received the award in 2013 for its eco-friendly DV457 clothes dryer.

Samsung receives the ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award during CES 2017. From left: Steve Sungki Kim, Vice President of Customer Satisfaction Team at Samsung Electronics North America; Hye Soon Yang, Principal Engineer of R&D Team, Digital Appliances Business, Samsung Electronics; Verena Radulovic, Product Manager at ENERGY STAR Program, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; and Shane Higby, Vice President of Home Appliance Product Marketing, Samsung Electronics America.

The EPA’s ENERGY STAR program is the trusted source for energy-efficient product labeling and consumer education. This award recognizes products that are at the forefront of energy conservation and climate protection.

Samsung developed the R-600a technology ahead of the EPA’s planned changes to refrigerant qualifications by 2021. In addition to meeting these qualifications, Samsung’s R-600a refrigerant has been approved for use in the US market by the EPA’s Significant New Use Alternative Policy (SNAP) Program.

The use of low-Global Warming Potential (GWP) refrigerant systems like Samsung’s R-600a, can offer customers and end-users additional energy savings along with the superior product performance that they already expect from ENERGY STAR certified equipment.

The ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award provides forward-thinking, environmentally conscious consumers and end users with a tool to identify and purchase cutting-edge technologies that offer energy savings and help to reduce their carbon footprint
TAGSCES 2017Eco-FriendlyEmerging Technology AwardEnergy StarGlobal Warming PotentialHome AppliancesSAMSUNGxCES2017
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