Samsung Plant in Kaluga to Begin Deliveries of Washing Machines to Europe

Russia on September 8, 2016
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Samsung Electronics – a global leader in home appliances – announces start of the first export line in washing machines production for deliveries to 20 of Western and Eastern Europe at the plant in Kaluga region. In September production of unique range of AddWash washing machines, equipped with additory miniature hatches for adding extra items during a wash cycle without having to discharge water has also began at the plant.


Since September 2016 Samsung plant in Kaluga region begins delivering washing machines for export deliveries to 20 European countries including Austria, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italia, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary. The first export load of washing machines was sent to the warehouse in Riga in the beginning of September to be sold in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.


Samsung AddWash front loading washing machines are equipped with additory hatches that help to add clothes and detergents during a wash cycle and add previously laundered items only for rinse and wringing cycles. Because of already known Ecobubble™ technology the washing machines make laundry more effective and turn detergents into foam, that quickly enters fabrics and clears up difficult stains. A vast  AddWash range that consists of models with various loading capacities (from 6.5 to 12 kg) and in several color combination is available in Russia. The basis of the range is formed by most popular among Russian customers narrow washing machines 45 cm depth.


“Opening of an export line in washing machines production is an important stage of our plant`s development, – said Lee Haoung Kyun, managing director at Samsung Electronics plant in Kaluga region. – For us it’s not only another expansion of production but also a symbol of recognition of our products` quality. Production standards and quality are two fundamental components of our strategy. Today we see that the plant in Kaluga region is compliant with all European standards and is able to provide premium quality manufacturing innovative high-tech products for Europe.”


“The beginning of export of Kaluga plant’s products to Europe is the best confirmation of the manufacturing range’s high quality, – commented Dmitry Kartashev, Head of the HA Sales Department at Samsung Electronics in Russia. – We are especially happy that the plant quickly explores production of the brand new home appliances models which allows us to offer Russian customers most modern equipment at the best prices. For example, sales of AddWash washing machines with hatches for adding extra items or detergents during a wash cycle that are produced at the plant will start this September. Washing machines that feature this technology has already gained worldwide recognition, which is verified by the “Editors Choice” award from, “Best Buy” from, 5 stars mark from, etc.”


For 8 years Samsung has been paying close attention to the development of distributed production in Russia.


Samsung Electronics plant in Kaluga region (Samsung Electronics Rus Kaluga LLC) was opened on September 4, 2008 in the northern part of the Borovsk district on the 85th kilometer of Kievskoe highway (M3). The volume of investments amounted to more than $250 million. Total area of the production workshops is 406,000 square meters. The plant’s complex includes production capacity of the plant, where finished products are put together, printed-circuit boards and microchip production workshop, and thermoplastic molding shops. To date, the plant produces 100% of TVs and monitors, as well as washing machines sold in Russia under the Samsung brand. SRDC logistic center – the main warehouse for all Samsung products imported to Russia – is also located at the plant`s territory.


Supplies of components and raw materials for their production are provided by Russian partners of the plant. As the result the process of production localization is actively developing at the plant. Besides the plant has advantageous location. In November, 2015 Samsung initiated the “New silk road” project – a transport route that connects the region of North East China with consumers and partners in Europe. The projects allows to reduce delivery time and optimize production processes reducing logistic costs.

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