[DIY] Here are some Tips for Long-Lasting Battery of Your Smartphone

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Your smartphone has evolved to become an extension of yourself, connecting you to the world. From news updates to all your entertainment needs, your smartphone is your closest companion.


As you work from home, concalls, virtual meetings, emails and perhaps a bit of gaming and entertainment can take the juice out of your phone.


Galaxy smartphones are equipped with powerful batteries, designed to maximise the performance of your smartphone.


Here are some tips to ensure long-lasting battery life on your smartphone-




Apart from optimizing charging of your smartphone you also should ensure you protect the charging port of your Smartphone. Your Galaxy smartphone’s charging port is used for charging the battery and for transferring data. Unclean ports and non-genuine chargers may cause charging or connectivity issues.


Follow these simple tips to protect the charging port of your Smartphone-


  • Check the charging port type before connecting it to a charger
  • Avoid exposing device to moisture or wet surface
  • Always use plug to remove the charger from the socket; the adjoining part of cable is fragile and abrupt pulling out can damage it
  • Always use a genuine Samsung charger

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