Making a Difference – How Samsung’s Education Programs Are Empowering the Leaders of Tomorrow

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Our young people are the leaders of the future. And while the future will be full of challenges and uncertainties, education is what allows youths to realize their potential and prepare themselves to keep moving forward with confidence.


Well aware of the great importance of education, Samsung Electronics works to equip young people with the skills and knowledge they will need to build a better world. Firm in its belief that every young person deserves a quality education regardless of their background, gender, ability, or personal circumstances, Samsung has empowered a countless number of young people to slowly but steadily contribute to positive changes in their societies.


To celebrate the United Nations’ International Youth Day on August 12, Samsung has gathered stories of young students from different countries who are creating a better future for all by participating in Samsung’s corporate citizenship programs. Read on to hear about their experiences.








Through its global Samsung Innovation Campus and Solve for Tomorrow programs, and its domestic Samsung SW Academy For Youth and Samsung Junior SW Cup programs, Samsung Electronics is empowering the leaders of tomorrow and equipping them with the tools they will need to realize meaningful change.


Find more stories of how Samsung is making a real difference in young people’s lives on the company’s CSR website.

Corporate > Citizenship

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