Samsung R&D Institute India Wins ‘Innovation with Impact’ Award at NASSCOM GCC Awards 2023

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Samsung R&D Institute India – Bangalore, Samsung’s largest software R&D centre outside of Korea, has won the ‘Innovation with Impact’ award at Nasscom GCC Awards 2023. The award honours Global Capability Centers (GCC) that have created a global business impact, redefined excellence and emerged as role models.


The Innovation with Impact award recognizes GCCs that have integrated innovation into their DNA, successfully identified business needs, and delivered solutions leading to sustainable and quantifiable impact for the global enterprise with a high degree of ownership and accountability.


The breakthrough and intrapreneurship culture in SRI-B has enabled the organization to demonstrate global leadership in developing innovative products in Advanced Communication, Camera, IoT and Artificial Intelligence that have created a global impact. This includes the development of the Zigbee & Matter Thread One Chip Solution, a first of its kind innovative firmware plus software solution to use a single radio chip to support multiple communication technologies such as ZigBee and Matter Thread protocol communication together, the Nightography camera feature in Galaxy S23 series which uses advanced AI algorithms to enable users to capture high quality photos in low light conditions, Samsung’s digital payment solution, Samsung Wallet, and OneUI – Smart Suggestions and Digital Wellbeing feature, which enhances user experience through AI-powered user customizations and recommendations.


“As we pack more technology into users’ lives with the products, it is also important to be non-interrupting in their lives. We call this Calm Technology. To achieve the highest impact, it is not necessary to create a new feature, but to complete the consumer experience journey. We try to make sure we use high AI tech not to drop the ball when the user is expecting us to handle it (Nightography, Open and Heterogeneous device connectivity), or in some cases, even make the feature available just when needed (Aadhar Card, Smart Suggestions). OEMs have to complete the connected journey. For example, just when you are trying to share a picture, giving you timely help in terms of cropping, tilting, notifying about the privacy of data, etc., instead of expecting users to download another App to accomplish the same”, shared Dipesh Shah, Corporate EVP and Managing Director, SRI-B.


SRI-B is the highest patent filer in the country, with over 7,500 patents in India and globally. The centre also leverages the external ecosystem via Open Innovation, with several university collaborations and strategic partnership with start-ups to foster growth and development of the Indian ecosystem.


“SRI-B’s innovations have seamlessly integrated into the fabric of everyday life, empowering people with unprecedented connectivity, intelligence, and immersive experiences. Our expertise in advanced communication (5G/6G) and IoT (SmartThings) has enabled us to build product ecosystems for Samsung that provide connected experiences. Our prowess in Vision and Artificial Intelligence have introduced best camera experiences (Nightography & Galaxy Expert Raw), smart personalization (OneUI), intelligent productivity (Smart Suggestions), advanced privacy and enhanced security (Samsung Wallet). We foster a culture of continuous learning and collaboration, forging partnerships with academia and startups to leverage the collective wisdom of India’s innovation ecosystem. All this while building intrapreneurship culture and nurturing IP creation to make Bangalore center unique in Samsung R&D centers ecosystem”, said Mohan Rao Goli, Chief Technology Officer at SRI-B.


The Bengaluru R&D centre aims to create USPs for global flagship devices by creating significant advancements in Advanced Communication, Multimedia, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Services, and to make for India by catering to the specific needs of Indian consumers.

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